Plans for 2022-24

2022 is the start of a new three-year planning cycle for Making Tomorrow. Building on the outcomes of 2019-2021, our community will see new programs and benefits during the coming triennium. Plans include the creation of formal advisory boards, participation in national meetings, and direct and indirect solicitations to foundations (indirect = as a partner on proposals submitted by others).

Activities in 2022 and 2023 included support for an endowed lecture series at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics and at Salem College, support to fund awards to pre-college students that excel in STEAM fields, and travel support to the 2022 World Science Forum in Cape Town to explore institutional partnerships.

Aside: Because we are revising the roadmap, the accompanying picture seemed appropriate. It shows students mapping out glacial deposits as part of a National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. While individuals and institutions supported by Making Tomorrow have received many NSF grants, none were involved in this REU grant.


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